4th International Conference of Military Medical Schools (ICMMS)

Program Agenda

This conference will be conducted in English. No interpretation services will be provided.  

Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Time Topic


0700 Busses Depart from Bethesda

0800-0830 Registration & Poster Drop Off Hall of Flags
0830-0840 Welcome & Announcements

LCDR John DeLano
Master of Ceremonies &
Dr. Glendon Diehl
USU Vice President of External Affairs

Rice Hall
0840-0900 Opening Remarks Dr. Jonathan Woodson
USU President
0900-0920 Keynote Address: Health Readiness & Military Medical Education Dr. David Smith
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Readiness Policy and Oversight
0920-0940 Keynote Address - Building Partnerships through Military Medicine Ms. Madeline Mortelmans
Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategies, Plans and Capabilities
0940-1010 Break Large Dining Room
1010-1030 Lessons Learned from Past Pandemics as Inspiration for Future Military Medical Leaders Dr. Matt Hepburn
White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy 
Rice Hall
1030-1050 Military-Civilian Collaboration in Medical Education Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld
Immediate Past-President, American Medical Association (AMA)
1050-1100 Group Photo Courtyard
1100-1200 Scientific Exhibition Demonstrations & Poster Presentations


  • USU Val G. Hemming Simulation Center 
  • USU Center for Biotechnology (4DBio3) 
  • USU Center for Military Precision Health (CMPH) and The American Genome Center (TAGC) 
  • Poster Presentations
Hall of Flags
1200-1300 Lunch Large Dining Room
1300-1500 Head of Delegation (HOD) Presentations Moderator: Dr. Glendon Diehl
USU Vice President of External Affairs
Speakers: HODs
Rice Hall
1500-1530 Break Large Dining Room
1530-1655 HOD Presentations - Continued Speakers: HODs Rice Hall
1655-1700 Daily Wrap-Up LCDR John DeLano
Master of Ceremonies
1700-1900 Networking Reception Courtyard
1915 Busses Depart from USU

Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Time Topic


0730 Busses Depart from Bethesda**

0830-0835 Daily Announcements LCDR John DeLano
Master of Ceremonies
Rice Hall
0835-1000 Preparing Future Military Medical Leaders: The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Military Unique Curriculum

CAPT Sherri Rudinsky
Chair of the Department of Military and Emergency Medicine (MEM), USU 

LTC Angela Yarnell
Director of the Leader Development Program, USU MEM 

Col Leslie Vojta
Associate Chair of Education, USU MEM

Rice Hall
1000-1030 Battlefield Acupuncture in Military Medical Education Dr. Arnyce Pock
Associate Dean Office of Medical Education, School of Medicine, USU
Rice Hall
1030-1100 Break Large Dining Room
1100-1130 Integrating High-Fidelity Simulation into the Military Unique Curriculum Dr. Alan Liu
Director, Virtual Medical Environments, Val G. Hemming Simulation Center (SIMCEN)
Rice Hall
1130-1200 Maximizing Value in Military Medical Research Collaborations COL Robert O'Connell
Professor and Director, USU Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program (IDCRP), Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics 
Rice Hall
1200-1300 Lunch Large Dining Room
1300-1330 Transit

1330-1430 Visit to the National Museum of Health & Medicine USU CGHE

1430-1730 Washington, D.C. City Tour USU CGHE
1730 Busses Depart from USU Campus


** Bring change of casual attire/everyday clothing to wear during the site visit and Washington D.C. City Tour


Thursday, 19 September 2024
Time Topic


0730 Busses Depart from Bethesda

0830-0835 Announcements LCDR John DeLano
Master of Ceremonies
Rice Hall
0835-0900 Medicine, Scholarship, Leadership: Future Directions in Military Medical Education Dr. Eric Elster
School of Medicine Dean, USU
Rice Hall
0900-1015 Panel Discussion: Experience Sharing by Medical School Faculty Moderator: Dr. Eric Elster, Dean, USU School of Medicine 

Confirmed Panelists:
Col Swati Bajaj
Armed Forces Medical College, India 

Col Andrii Shvets
Ukrainian Military Medical Academy 

Dr. Rodolfo Giavedoni
Colegio Militar de la Nación, Argentina 
Rice Hall
1015-1030 Break Large Dining Room
1030-1200 Faculty and Student Oral Presentations  Augmenting Tensions, New Challenges – The Need for a Refocused Approach to Military Medical Education on the European Continent
Maj Ingo Hoehling, Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Germany 

Medical Military Training in Senegal: Current Situation and Prospects
Médecin-Colonel Abdourahmane NIANG, Senegal 

Combat Casualty Care during the “Swords of Iron” War
LTC Dr. Michael Malkin, Israel 

Arthrodesis of Shoulder Joint with 3D Implant Technique
Lieutenant Viktor Lotsko, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy 

Experience with preoperative pain relief for servicemen with shrapnel (explosive) injuries of the extremities
Lieutenant Zakhar Onyshchuk, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy 

Mission Joint Medical Systems - different pathways to professionalism in medical and tactical profession for a Medical Corps
Second Lieutenant Maximilian Michael Andrejew and Lieutenant Julian Fichte, Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Germany 
Rice Hall 
1200-1300 Lunch Large Dining Room
1300-1400 Faculty and Student Oral Presentations MilMed Curriculum
Dr. Francis O’Connor, USU Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP)

Ethical Considerations
Mr. James Schwartz, USU MEM

Digital Health & Innovation
Dr. Hiro Matsuo, National Defense Medical College, Japan 

Digital Health and Innovation
Medical Cadet Roopika Rama Lakshmi Peela, Armed Forces Medical College, India 
Rice Hall 
1400-1500 Breakout Discussion Group 1: Administrators
Facilitator: Dr. Glendon Diehl

Group 2: Faculty
Facilitator: TBD

Group 3: Students 
Facilitator: TBD
Small Dining Room

Rice Hall 

Lecture Room E1
1500-1530 Break Large Dining Room
1530-1630 Closing Ceremony Dr. Jonathan Woodson
USU President & 
LCDR John DeLano
Master of Ceremonies
Rice Hall
1700 Busses Depart from USU Campus